Monday, August 20, 2007

Stressful Sunday

Sunday seemed very stressful. Mostly, because Jerrod had been sick since the previous afternoon and so I had to go to church by myself...which meant I had to teach our class by myself.
This was the first Sunday since May when almost all the kids have been there. We've really only had about half of them during the summer, since everyone is always gone on vacation while school is out.
But today, I think maybe because they were all there and there was so much to talk about after so long, they were very wound up. And of course, being that I was by myself, it was more frustrating to keep them under control. They pretty much drove me crazy.
Usually, I prepare and teach the lesson and Jerrod helps answer questions and keeps them under control. Especially the boys, since they tend to have a harder time sitting still. They all really like him, but he also doesn't let them get away with anything.
After I had asked the kids to pleasestop talking, poking each other, moving around, etc., about 50 times, I finally said, "guys, seriously, you are really not being reverent and I've told you and told you too many times that we are in church and you need to act like it. I can't handle you all being like this all by myself! What would Brother Barrows do if he were here?" and right away one of the little boys who was being most obnoxious said, "he'd kill us!"
So, they are obnoxious, but at least they know it. I guess that's a start.

After I was thinking about the kids, I realized what the problem is: None of them are troublemakers and they are pretty good kids all around, but there is not a shy one in the bunch! So everyone has got to be saying something all the time! Oh well, I guess it could be worse. I know I sure went to Primary with some kids that were worse.

Jerrod is still not feeling well tonight. He is going to stay home from work tomorrow too.


Tray said...

Hey Lindsey...

just thought I'd say hi and it's nice to stumble upon your blog... hope all is well with you and Jerrod.


Lindsey Rae said...

It's my first comment that's ever been left here! Thank you Tracye!

Tray said...

Smiling... i love sharing first moments :0) Look forward to many more and feel free to stop by my little spot on the web whenever you like!
