Sunday, July 6, 2008

I think we said a prayer today.

Today in my primary class I was able to get one of the kids to say a prayer who has never, ever done it before. In fact, up until about a month and a half ago, he was still screaming and crying and throwing himself against the door for 45 minutes straight; wanting to go see his parents. So, I feel this is quite an accomplishment. Of course, I helped and I couldn't understand 99.9% of what he said, but the fact that he kind of imitated me amazed me. In fact, I don't know if I've ever even been able to get him to fold his arms before. After all the crying and screaming for so many weeks, It's amazing to me that he is happy in primary all of the sudden. So this is a big step. I guess you have had to be there to really appreciate it, but we're coming far in the Sunbeam class!


Amy said...

thats so exciting to hear kids say a prayer for the first time. I've got 5-6 year olds, and sometimes I still can't understand what they are saying! but, Heavenly Father always knows what is said. Sunbeams are always a handful though!!