Monday, November 17, 2008

I would say I'm behind with keeping up with my postings, but I've already said it so many times before, I won't bother with that.

I am still sick...or more accurately, sick again.
I did start to get better and then my husband got whatever I had, gave it back, and now it seems I have it again. I did go to the doctor about a week ago, because I had to get a prescription refill and so I had her check me out then. However, this was when I was getting better and so there wasn't much for her to find. She gave me some antibiotics in case I did get worse, but said not to take them unless I needed to. I do think it's just a cold and I don't really want to fill it if it's not going to help. I'm just run down from it now. I have this cough and it's making me feel like there is a brick on my chest.

Anyway, in other, better news, I have been utilizing my money-saving skills recently. Although I've considered myself "cheap" for a long time, I am now figuring out how to really save money by combining sales with coupons in the right way at the right time. It's a lot of work, but boy, do I get a lot of free stuff! The last couple weeks there has been a good sale at Kroger, so I tried to stock up on some groceries. I went 3 times to the grocery store and the first time, I paid around $1.70 for almost $20 worth of groceries. The second time and third time combined, they ended up paying me a dollar to get over $150 worth of stuff. I have to say, I did a pretty good job with my shopping last week.
This week there is a good deal on Duracell batteries at CVS and I got $60 worth of them free. That's pretty useful. Who doesn't always need extra batteries?

Some things are hard to save on...fresh foods, like milk and bread and fruits and vegetables....the perishable stuff is more difficult, but, I think getting a stockpile of non-perishable things is really beneficial:
It's good to have extra stuff for food storage. Our church has recommended for a long time that we have extra things on hand, in case of emergency. Also, it's nice to have things for when they ask people to donate stuff, when our church does projects and that sort of thing. And also, I think, occasionally the library collects stuff for the food bank and in turn, for every item you bring in, you get a dollar towards your overdue fees. So, I have to stockpile for this. hahaha.

My husband thinks I am a bit crazy about my money saving ideas sometimes. I know I put more effort into it than the average person, but I can't help it!
I could be the richest person in the world and I think I would probably still be cheap. It's like, if I know there is a possibility that I could get something for less and I don't, then I'm being wasteful and throwing something good away. I'm starting to think being frugal is a have to have the desire to want to do it and then you have to have the skills! haha. It does get tricky with the sales and coupon combination things sometimes. But, the good thing is, there are a LOT of crazy coupon ladies out there who figure out the deals and post them online. So, for the most part, all the math is done. Now, not my talent.


tina said...

Nothing wrong with saving money. Hope you get well soon. I also have the crud. Yuck! It has been so long I had forgotten how miserable one can become.

Krista said...

Man, I wish I had your determination. By the time I get to the register with all my groceries, kids and brain still intact, I am glad. Forget about saving any money - just get me out of the store!