Monday, August 6, 2007

Once again...

It is around 3:30 am and I am I was making a little snack. I burnt my toast. Again. And I'm not even sure how. I was trying to watch it to make sure it wouldn't burn. Not too long ago I actually burnt 6 pieces...not at once, but in a with 6 different tries. I blame it on that new toaster oven. It's hard to get used to because it takes so long to heat up and then with in seconds it gets so hot it just burns.
Now I am worried that the smoke alarm is going to go off and wake up Jerrod and maybe even the upstairs neighbors.

Anyhow, once again, I have reaffirmed my thought that I hate cooking...I shouldn't be cooking....If you can call making toast cooking.

And, if it can get this disastrous with a toaster, imagine what I could do if I tried to really make something?! Yes, it could get much scarier. So for all the people who ask who cooks at our house or when I'm going to start learning to cook so I can cook at our house.....just be glad that it's Jerrod who does the cooking at our house. Don't question...just understand it's for the best.

(But I promise I really can make a few things, which sometimes I do! I'm not totally useless around here!)