Monday, February 25, 2008

"I'm thankful for the fish."

Sometime last year, when Jerrod and I were in our other ward and teaching the 8-year-olds class at church, I remember we walked by a class of smaller kids, who I am now assuming must have been 3 or 4, and they were learning about how Heavenly Father gives us fish. The lesson was called, "I'm thankful for the fish."
At the time, I said to Jerrod, "I want to teach the lesson about the fish. That sounds like a fun class. haha."
Well, I guess I got my wish, because I am now the new teacher of the 3-year-olds in our branch.

Jerrod and I both got asked to do new things at church. Jerrod is now the branch missionary leader. It's going to be a little bit of a big job...mostly because he has to be to 7:30 am meetings on Sunday's, and we are, of course, not morning people. I'm feeling a little bad for him about that. The branch president stressed to him many times that he really feels that this is the most important calling in the branch. They just started this branch a year ago and they haven't seen the growth in our area like they had hoped because of the housing market being as slow as it is. So, we need to work on our missionary work a lot. Which, of course, every branch or ward does, but when a branch is new, we have to work extra hard to strengthen it.

As for me, I went in and sat with my new class this past Sunday and came to find out that they are quite the handful. A bit out of control. Our primary presidency told me that they didn't have the most structured time in nursery...I guess because they didn't always have a consistent teacher or schedule like needed to. (There is a shortage of people when you have a smaller/new branch, I guess.) So, apparently they are not used to having much routine at church.
I understand that they are 3, but I don't think this means that they are allowed to disobey when an adult tells them "no". I will have to see how it goes once we get going. I am hoping that once we get in a schedule and they come to expect that, they will start to calm down some.


Krista said...

Since Brogan has autism and freaks out in church unless I am with him, which means I have been his teacher - for WAY too long. I am now the 4/5 year old teacher and i've learned from painful experience that the easiest way to deal with is all is snacks, coloring, activities and lots and lots of pictures.
Go to
They have lots of cute ideas. There are also books at the church bookstore with fun activities too.

Lindsey Rae said...

Thanks. I will check that website out!