Friday, September 26, 2008

I've Been Tagged. (Blog Response)

Earlier this month, I think Amy Richey tagged me for this blog questionnaire. I'm just now getting around to doing it...sorry Amy!

Four things I love about my husband:
- He is dependable.
- Has integrity and tries to do what's right.
- Very smart and knows a lot about a lot of things.
- Made something of his life all on his own with his talents and with his will to make good decisions.

Four movies that I would watch more then once:
- Gone With The Wind
- Evita
- Anne Of Green Gables and the Sequel
- Every episode of Dr. Quinn on DVD (haha.)

Four TV shows I watch:
- Grey's Anatomy
- Desperate Housewives
- The Office
- House

Four Places I have been:
- Okinawa
- Hawaii
- Mississippi
- Victoria

Four places I would like to go (that I haven't been yet):
- England
- Nagasaki
- Ireland
- Fiji

Four people who regularly email me:
- My Mom
- My husband
- Japanese friends
- Those who like to send spam

Four Things I would like to eat:

- Japanese Rice
- Taber Corn
- Mitsuya Cider
- Pocky

Four things I look forward to in the next year:
- Making art
- Finishing my CD
- Growing a garden
- Japan

Four people I tag:

- Wakana
- Krista
- Stephanie
- Meghan


Krista said...

Me?!?! You tag ME? Thanks, Linds! I LOVE tags.
No seriously, I do. You've read my blog, right?

Lindsey Rae said...

Yep. I know you do! I've seen it!