Thursday, September 11, 2008

So Blue...and Purple.

After all the time I have spent out in the yard digging trenches...dragging rocks around, throwing rocks around...building walls with rocks and other various outdoor activities, I have finally injured myself. But, surprisingly, it was not from all that. I got my finger caught in the back door. Something a person is probably not supposed to do past the age of 3 or unless they are a dog.
I can't believe that I could potentially have dropped a 50+ pound rock on myself that many times and I ended up slamming my finger in the door.
It hurt so badly. But, I was anxious to finish the trench for the rocks to put the edging on my raised flower bed, so I kept digging. About 5 minutes later, I took my gloves off and saw about 1/3 to 1/2 of the nail had turned blue. So, no wonder it hurt so much.
Now that my finger is hurt, I wonder how I will finish my flowerbed by next week like I had planned. Knowing my luck, I probably will end up dropping a rock on myself now and re-injuring the finger, which will really hurt. I tried to look for a little splint type thing to put on it so it would be protected, but couldn't find anything. I guess either I must not work anymore and take the risk of letting the plants die if they can't go in the flowerbed or risk more injury.

I am wondering if it is beneficial to go to the Doctor for this sort of thing. Both Jerrod and my Grandma said that I may loose the nail, which seems a bit horrible. I wonder if I go to the doctor and get it drained to reduce the swelling if there is less chance of loosing the nail. It is still throbbing with a pulse almost 30 hours later and feels hot to touch...but going to the doctor for a bruise seems a bit extreme too. Then again, if I loose my nail, I will be upset and and might regret it. I can't imagine not having a nail. Jerrod said he'd poke it for me with a hot needle. Seems scary.