Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas, Two days ago.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas. We did. It was pretty uneventful, however, as it was just the two of us at home all day. When you don't have any one else around, that's kind of how it goes; much like a normal day, I guess.
Christmas is a bit disappointing to me now that I am older, because, I feel like the commercialism of it is so terrible and discouraging. I almost wish we could just do it a different day and not have to participate with the rest of the world with all the ridiculousness that goes on. If we could keep it about what it is supposed to be about, that would be much more enjoyable. It almost feels like just another obligation when all you see is media saying we need to buy and buy and buy. This year, I thought it may have been extra bad, because on one hand I would hear the ads proclaiming all the things we "need" to buy and on the next, I kept hearing these stories on the news about people not being able to afford gifts because of the economy and then even that they were not able to get as much credit to buy gifts because of the economy! Crazy! I don't want to hear about it anymore. It would be much more enjoyable to turn on the TV and hear a story about Christmas and Jesus and not just Christmas and spending money.

But, speaking of presents and all that, I did get some good stuff. haha. I was excited. One thing I got (and just tried out today) was this compost tumbler. It has the ability, when used properly, to make compost in 14 days. That's not going to happen in this current climate, but, in the summer, it will be fun to get some compost for my yard. I like the idea of being able to reuse things (because I'm cheap). Plus, I've been doing lots of reading on composting recently and so I am ambitious about it. It would be exciting to get some benefits from it. I really enjoy watching the plants grow and it will be great to give them a little extra something so they can do better.

I would also like to try a small vegetable garden this year, so this will come in handy for that. Although, at this point, I don't have any idea where we would...or could...possibly put it. It may have to be more of a container garden for this first year, until we get the whole backyard completely figured out. The soil is so terrible and nothing but clay and gravel (and even some boulder sized rocks hiding under the first inch or so of dirt); I'll have to at least make a raised bed somewhere. I do have the one I've been working on recently, but I originally planned on making it a flower bed. So, I'm not sure. Anyway, whatever gets planted will now have compost to help it out!


tina said...

Hi Lindsay, Glad you had a good Christmas. Your compost spinner is pretty cool. Let us know how it works. I just do it the old fashioned way unless oldest son come to visit-then he is my compost spinner;) I think you might have better luck with a raised bed. You can do it! A tomato or two, some cukes and carrots and you are all set. Good luck and have a Happy New Year.

Alison Kerr said...

I'm in the market for buying a composter of some sort. Do you know where I can see more details about the one you have pictured here?

Thanks :-)

Lindsey Rae said...

Sorry for the delay in responding. I didn't get an email notice about this for some reason...I usually do.

You can search for Compostumbler (just with one "t" for both compost and tumbler) to find them. I'm not exactly sure where my husband bought mine, but I know they have a website at and I've seen them on sites like Amazon. I know there are other ones out there, but the one I have is the specific ComposTumblber brand. I have the compact model, which I believe is the mid-sized one.