Saturday, January 3, 2009


First post of the new year.

Not much to say really. Just the usual going on around here. J has had a few days off for New Year's, which is nice. I get my days really mixed up when he is off, because I think it's the weekend when it's not. We had almost forgot about preparing our lessons for church because time just seems different when schedules aren't the same.

Church starts at 1:00 PM tomorrow for the rest of the year! Thank goodness! That early morning stuff is just not the way to go.

I think that I am going to start keeping track of all my savings from my new found couponing skills. I need to find figure out or find the best method for in a spread sheet. I know, I really hate shopping, but I love getting good deals.(Especially the free stuff). And I'm getting good at it!
I might blog it on a separate page.
I'm not as good at it as some at it, but I think you'd still be amazed at what a coupon can do when used correctly. Yesterday I got around $182 worth of stuff and paid about $5 after my savings. I think I could have got it down even a couple dollars more, but I forgot to used 2 coupons I had. That's always disappointing. (It's hard to keep it all straight sometimes). But, if I get enough good deals anyway, I might let it go.