Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Little Rose That Could

This past October, I took some plant cuttings for the first time.

I very much wanted to try to propagate some new plants and did a lot of research and reading about it before I started. I just wanted one to grow! Even just one I would have been happy.

I started with 27. Yesterday I was fixing to compost the last three of them that seemed to have not made it. These three had dropped their leaves so they didn't have much to keep them going. I threw out two of them and then was about to get rid of the last when I noticed that it had suddenly started to grow again! Can you see the little leaves starting to come out?

I was so surprised to see it and thought it was pretty neat that this little stick would stay alive.

So, it seems that out of those 27 I started, a total nine seem to have made it. I'm very happy with that result. Now, I just need to keep them alive and hope they will be able to survive after they are eventually transplanted outside.


tina said...

Yes, stick with it. Winter is a dormant time so they will appear dead but come out of dormancy soon. Wonderful job you did with roses-very difficult to propagate!