Saturday, December 15, 2007

Goodbye, Jetta.

Today I gave up my Jetta for a new car.
It is a '97 was at almost 100,000 miles and Jerrod doesn't like to keep cars after they get that many miles on them, so it was time to get something new. It was a good little car for me and I knew I would be sad to get rid of my car, because I liked it. But, at the same time, I think it was better that we got something else before it got over the 100,000 mark, because it is easier to sell/trade it while it is under and before it has any problems.
I think the reason I felt so attached to that car was because Jerrod bought it for me when we were first dating. We had known each other just about a month or two and I had been in an accident and totaled the car I was driving. I was a poor student who had to travel a two hours to school and back home everyday and was in desperate need of something drive. Jerrod found this car and bought it for me to "use" but, had basically handed it over to me as the sole driver. It saved me at the time and it was pretty amazing that he had been willing to do that for me. (That could have been a bad situation if our relationship had not worked out!) But, he must have liked me or something, because he was sure helped me out a lot.
Anyway, so, I always really appreciated having the Jetta because of that especially. But, as much as I love my Jetta, today we traded it in on a new car. I got a Mazda3, which I quite like. I really love the body style of this car.
Of all the ones I looked at, I think it's one of my favorite, (except for maybe Jerrod's BMW, but I can't drive that anyway, because it's a standard and I wouldn't want to even if I could, because I would be waaayyy too nervous touch it.) And it has a lot of nice features and is bright red...which means I might be able to find it in the parking lot, finally. Hopefully this will mean no more walking around Wal-Mart's parking lot for 20 minutes searching for my car. I'm so nervous to drive it though, because it's new and I don't want to hurt it or get it messy....not that I didn't try to drive carefully in my old car, but the new car that gives me anxiety! Plus, I promised to try to keep it cleaner, and so I really have to do that. It's a challenge. Not because I don't want to or don't try, but I'm a artist, I'm always late and I have ADD. I just don't pay attention to those things some days! But, I'm going to try harder for the sanity of my husband.


Krista said...

Soooo lucky! I am also on the hunt for a new vehicle. My choice is a bit difficult as I have the kiddies to consider. I want a car, but does it have enough room? I wouldn't mind a minivan, but it's such a mom car. A SUV? Gas guzzler! I'm telling you, kids make life complicated!