Tuesday, June 26, 2007

2 Years

Yesterday was our 2 year anniversary. I can't believe how fast time goes by. But, at the same time, it does seem like awhile since our wedding. As Jerrod said a couple of months ago, life is progressing. Got married...got a green card...getting a house. But anyway, back to the wedding: That was such a fun day. I wished it could have gone on longer after all the preparation I did for it! It was nice to be able to see so many people I wanted to visit with at once at the reception and then of course, going the temple with Jerrod was an amazing experience. It was definitely the best moment of my life. Best decision of my life to get married there. What a horrible thing it would be to not have the knowledge that our marriage would be forever. I can't imagine how scary that would be. It is really truly something that makes life worth living and I am very grateful that we both have the same goals so that we can keep doing the things we need to do to have an eternal marriage. And to finish those thoughts...a few pictures from that good day!

I wanted to add a few more....but Jerrod rebuilt my computer this week and my pictures folder is missing. So, I need to reclaim it first!