Thursday, June 7, 2007

Anniversary gifts

Yesterday I got an anniversary present, even though our anniversary date is not until the 25th. UPS brought it and Jerrod asked me if I wanted to open it...he always does that to me! And it drives me crazy because of course I want my present now, but I also want to save it so I have something special on the the day. So, I decided to wait to open it. But, then he convinced me because he said he wanted to see if it was OK and check it out in case he needed to return it, since he had bought it online...and didn't want to wait until the 25th, 'cause it might be too long. What a dilemma.
So, I opened it. I guess that's a good enough excuse right? I got a waterfall fountain for the new house. That's something I always wanted in my house...its a big 5 feet tall. I always wanted something like that in an an entry way, but thinking of the space in my head, I don't think I would want to put it there in the new house. However I have other brain is way too full of too many ideas all the time, but anyhow, I think I have some places I will want to put it. It also has an Asian look to it, which of course is great. So, I'm pretty happy about it.

I always have a hard time buying something for Jerrod...just because it's so much harder buying for boys! But I had the perfect idea....I thought. Jerrod loves Meerkats...we always watch Meerkat's the best show...really funny and very interesting and I highly recommend it. I mean look at these little guys; how can you not love them? And they are so smart with the things they's hard to just have to watch it.
A few years ago I saw these paintings that were done by elephants at the Nashville Zoo. They sell them to raise money to keep them. (I learned it costs them $900 a day to feed one elephant! That's what the told me when I told them it's too expensive to go to the Nashville Zoo. haha.) The paintings were really neat and I wanted to get one in the future. An elephant can paint better than you might think. Well, the other day I was watching the news and they were showing some local happenings, one being scenes from the zoo and I saw that they had the Nashville Meerkats doing some paintings too! They like, dip their little feet in paint and then let them run around on paper or something. I thought it was the coolest thing ever! This would be the perfect idea for Jerrod because it was so original. So, I contacted the zoo and found out that they were letting the Meerkats paint to sell at an auction fundraiser, which is not until July and that's the only way to get one! It's one of those dinner auction things. So, I had to tell Jerrod about it. It was too neat not to tell him; I couldn't keep it in...I wish he could have seen them on the news. But, I had to tell him that my great idea was turning out to be not so great because I couldn't get it by our anniversary. But, he said yesterday he still wants it. So, we are gonna go to the dinner and try to get one. It's a charity thing, so it's good. Gotta keep the elephants eating. And I want a Meerkat painting!!! For Jerrod, of course. :)