Thursday, November 8, 2007

So, this morning, we had (what was to me) a very early morning with an 8:30am meeting with our builder. It was a pre drywall meeting where basically you do a walk through of the house before they do the drywall to make sure they have everything right in your house.
So, as I was trying to figure out what I was going to wear today, the thought crossed my mind that I maybe should be more casual than usual and wear my running shoes in case we were outside of the house at all. It's still kind of hard to walk around there because there are a lot of big rocks and dirt piles and this sort of thing.
But then I almost wore heals anyway. I have probably 50-60 pairs of shoes and only about 4 or 5 of them are flat shoes. I don't like flat shoes. I don't care that I am almost 6 feet tall...and definitely am over 6 feet when I put my shoes on. I also don't care that my husband is at least 2 to 4 inches shorter than me at any given time. (Although he does). I just think my high-healed shoes are cuter. I saw a few minutes of that Victoria Beckham "Coming to America" show a few weeks back and in it, she mentions that she is also anti flat shoes. There was one scene where she is out practicing driving before going for her driving test and she gets pulled over by a cop in the process. Afterwards, when talking about the incident she says, “I was completely shocked and devastated because I was wearing flat shoes." I thought that was the funniest quote, because I've often tried to explain to Jerrod that this is how I feel when I don't wear heals, except, I never could explain it quite so dramatically.

Anyway, I finally did decide to go with my running shoes. The thought crossed my mind: "There will be another person there. If I am crawling around a construction site and injure myself because I a wearing high-heals I will look really stupid." So I wore the flat shoes.
Jerrod bought me running shoes when we were at Disneyworld. He thought I was going to get blisters if I walked around for so long without proper shoes for this sort of thing. He forced me.
But, I guess they come in handy for times when you have to crawl around construction sites, right? Not so true actually.

It was all fine until after the meeting when we were done, Jerrod wanted to walk across the street to the neighbors house to see how far along they were. When we came out and walked out the driveway, there was a pile of gravel they had poured in the driveway and I slipped on the gravel, with my flat running shoes and fell completely backwards. I hit the edge of the curb, smack down right on my tail-bone.
It really hurt. I cried. I thought maybe it was broken. Maybe it's ok, but I am sore. I have fallen on concrete before (in a choir concert, in front of all the people) and on ice, but none hurt so much as falling on the edge of a curb, actually.

So, the point of my story is that I am completely shocked and devastated that I was wearing flat shoes and after all the times I walked around there in skirts and heals, it was the time I was wearing jeans and running shoes and purposely tried to prevent falling that I actually fell!


Krista said...

It is, of course, the cursed running shoes fault! They are out to get you for not showing them more love.

Anonymous said...

Your writing is beautiful and eloquent :-)! I also have about 50 pairs of shoes. You go girl!!!