Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Note From An Author.

I have always really enjoyed learning about history, ever since I was little and if I'm going to read something, I like to choose historical type writing. I recently discovered a very good author who writes historical non-fiction that reads like a novel. She is a British author named Alison Weir and she writes on English history. Her writing is so good because it is historically accurate and detailed as non-fiction should be, yet as entertaining as fiction is.
I actually like to listen to audio books a lot, when I am driving further distances across town or when I am working on my scrapbooking or art. So, I am very excited that I finally found someone who writes exactly the kind of stuff I like to learn about.
So, yesterday, I was looking at her website to see the list of books she had out and on one page, saw that she said that she had written that she really appreciated hearing from people who would take the trouble to write to her. So, I thought, since she appreciates it and I appreciate her writing good history books, I will write her a note to tell her so. I have never done something like that before, but I thought it would be nice. So, I sent her an email to tell her I thought her books were great. She promptly replied back to me today and said,

Dear Lindsey,

Thank you so much for your email and your very kind words about my books - it`s always really encouraging to get such great feedback. I am touched that you have taken the trouble to write to me.

Warmest good wishes,

Alison Weir.

So, that was really neat! I felt good that she replied back so quickly to my email...or replied back at all, and that she appreciated it. I always appreciate people who are appreciative.