Monday, March 31, 2008

You must watch this!

In the past, I wrote a bunch about the animal paintings at the Nashville Zoo that we bid on at the silent auction. I first saw them a few years ago and elephant paintings were the first thing that I saw that got me hooked on animal paintings. (We don't have an elephant painting yet...just the meerkat one. Although we did get one for Jerrod's aunt for Christmas).
But, anyway, most of them that I have seen are mostly just random brush strokes of colors...more abstract, that sometimes turns out to look like something recognizable.

I just saw this video on YouTube of an elephant doing a painting, and it is amazing. This elephant can draw better than a lot of people can. You must watch this!


Krista said...

It just makes me wonder how much the ELEPHANT wants to do it...

Lindsey Rae said...

Actually, they say it's natural for them, because in the wild they often take tree branches and draw in the dirt. That's why they can paint so well with maybe they like it.

Krista said...

really? that interesting. I obviously know very little about animal drawing ... It looks really cool though.