Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Note To Southern Albertans:

I was just looking at some plants and seeds on eBay and came across this listing.

And here it is even a "valuable herb."

I would like to pass this information onto any one from Southern Alberta who might be reading this, as I feel that this could be evidence that there is truly a money making opportunity here for you. How much money....? I don't know. Seeing there is only 2 or 3 listings out there, I'm not too optimistic for the future of dandelion farming (although someone must do it, because it seems they do make some kind of vitamins or something out of it.)

But, I guess it's enough proof that apparently someone, somewhere out there, is willing to buy your crappy weeds.

***I'm sure this could be valuable to people outside of Alberta too, but I happen to have first hand experience there.***


Krista said...

lol... my son would love it if we had a dandylion (sp?) crop. He LOVES the things. Eats it whole. Not the leaves, the flowers. No word of a lie.

Lindsey Rae said...

Wow...that doesn't seem like it would taste very good...I mean, they smell kind of bad, so I imagine they'd taste not so great either! I guess whatever works for him....