Sunday, August 3, 2008


We went to a baptism tonight. I didn't know the person it was for, but since Jerrod is the branch mission leader at church, one of his responsibilities is to help out with all the baptisms in our branch, so I went with him. And, they also asked me to lead the music for the service. :)

It was a good baptism. Not that every one isn't good! I think that sometimes you forget how uplifting these things can be until get there and you feel the spirit that is there.

The guy who was baptized was in his 20's and had a pretty neat story of his conversion to the church and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I think everyone who was there felt like it was a really good experience. It's really a privilege to be able to participate in things like this and get the opportunity to have our testimonies reaffirmed about why we believe what we do and how great it can be when we make good choices in our lives.


Nancy at ManicForMosaics said...

I just love it when adults get baptized because you just know what an important and wonderful decision they have made!

The poinsettia cupcakes look YUMMY!