Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ok, so this is a little late, but I since I did not have any internet and no ability to write or post any pictures about Christmas, it just so happens that it finally makes in here in January. But, I am always late with everything, so this just fits in with me, I guess. Although, this time, it really wasn't my fault I was late!

This is what Christmas looks like when you are living and settled in one place (a.k.a. Our house 2005...we were in Canada in 2006, so we had no tree that year...2005 is as close as it gets):

This is a picture of what Christmas looks like when you have just moved into your house 4 days before (a.k.a. Our house in 2007):

Notice all my presents are in a black garbage bag. I just closed my eyes and Jerrod put them in my hands for the surprise. I kind-of-sort-of wrapped his, by putting them in gift bags. The only wrapped gifts we had came from my mom. After all that packing and having boxes everywhere, the last thing we felt like doing was finding wrapping paper to wrap presents. So, into the garbage bags they went!
We definitely didn't want to bother setting up a Christmas tree. Where would we have put it among all those boxes cluttering the floor? Luckily, Jerrod in all his creativity had made this little tree out of hangers and garland in past years, so we did have a tree...kind-of-sort-of.

So, that is the late breaking news of Christmas at the new house.


Krista said...

A garbage bag? That's AWESOME! I should have thought of that! It'd have saved hours of wrapping. I'm going to keep that in mind for next year!

Lindsey Rae said...

Yes, definitely saves time...doesn't look quite as cute though...