Monday, January 28, 2008

Allergy Anniversary

Ok, this may not seem like a big deal to anyone reading this, but it is a big deal to me, so I'm going to tell you anyway!
It is my one year anniversary of getting allergy shots. Doesn't seem exciting? Well, this means that for exactly one year I have been faithfully getting one shot, sometimes 2 shots per week. One needle in each arm. I have probably got 200+ needles in this past year. That's quite a lot when I probably only had 30 in my life previous to this. I am just proud of myself that I stuck with it, because it's not fun. You have to go there, wait, get poked...twice...and wait 20 minutes before you can leave. It's just a pain. But, I made it through a full year of it, hardly ever missing.
I'm not sure how many more years I will have, but it seems to have helped some, so I will keep doing it if it will clear up these terrible allergies I have developed. It may take awhile, but I've got a year behind me and some improvement, so I have some hope about it now.


Krista said...

you are much braver than I am! I never had allergies till I moved to Texas either, now I have them all but 2 months of the year. I have been told I should get tested and get a shot for them ... I just can't handle the idea of getting shots. I am such a baby.

Krista said...

Oh, and if you want to see picture of what my house looks like ... you just have to scroll through the history of my blog. A while back I took pictures and wrote blurbs about every room besides Jerry's office there.